Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

December 29, 2011

We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

We came back from America last week after spending lots of fun time with our family and friends.  They all made our trip so special!  We will write more about the trip soon!!!  We had an opportunity to go to Hawaii on our way home and saw our new friends who had come to Sendai as volunteers in October.  We had a great time with them!

As soon as we came home, Luke started feeling bad and he ended up going to the local hospital to get an IV.  Thankfully, he got better after that and we were able to go to the Christmas Eve service (Michael preached!!!) and the Christmas Day service at our church. What an amazing church family we have!!!   We thank God for the people from the community who came to our church for the first time!   We pray their hearts were opened and they will continue to come.


The Christmas Eve service- sorry we don’t have any pictures of Michael preaching… Everyone told us what a blessing and encouragement his sermon was!  PTL!!!  A big “thank you” to those who prayed!


Back side of our church’s nativity scene.  It snowed on Christmas Eve!


We had a potluck lunch after the worship service on Sunday.


At the Christmas party, we had a church-wide Christmas gift exchange.  It is always so much fun!


It was our first Christmas as a family of three and we had such a blessed time together.  We received one of the most precious gifts from God this year.   Words cannot describe how much joy Luke brought into our lives.  As we thank God for Luke’s life, we praise Him for giving us the best gift that anyone could receive.  Happy Birthday, Jesus!

We pray you have a blessed new year!

Categories: Hope for Japan News.

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We are back!

September 7, 2011

Wow, we have been away from the blog world for a while!  Sorry we haven’t updated our blog for a while.  August was such a busy month.  We hope you all had a wonderful summer!

We want to thank you all for your prayers and encouragement as we grieved the loss of Yu’s grandmother.  We miss her so much but we also praise God that she is in heaven right now. We want more Japanese people to have a personal relationship with God so that they can have an eternal life.

In the middle of August, we went to Gold Coast,Australia for our dear friend’s wedding.  The bride grew up with Yu in Japan so she is just like her little sister.  What a blessing it was to celebrate with her and her family!

Even though she is a lot younger, they did almost everything together!  We were not sure if we could make it until the last minute but I was SO thankful that we got to go and Luke had a chance to meet his family in Australia!

We can’t believe it’s already September!  After a short summer break, we started our ministries again.  We are going to focus on disaster relief effort this fall, but we are also praying that our student ministry will grow as well.  We are going to start teaching English at church and we hope many kids and students will come from the community.

We pray God will continue to use us in amazing ways.  Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!  We are here thanks to God’s wonderful plans and YOUR prayers and support!!!  We are honored to partner with you as we work for His glory!

Categories: Family.

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