Thank you!

August 24, 2017

Can you believe we are leaving for Japan tomorrow morning?  God has truly blessed our time in America.  Our sending church, FBC Arlington, has approved us to serve in Japan for the next two years.  We  know many of you have prayed for us, provided financial support, and made our time here enjoyable.  We want to say “THANK YOU!” to each one of you!  We will do our best to keep in touch with you and we would love to know how we can pray for you.  We trust God will continue to do amazing things in Japan and we can’t wait to share His love with many Japanese people.  We appreciate your continued prayers.  Thank you so much for walking this journey with us!

We are thankful for everyone who has prayed for us and encouraged us as we prepared for our next term.






Categories: Hope for Japan News, Prayer Needs.

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