Update on June 16th

June 16, 2011

Konnichiwa (Hello) from Sendai!   We came back in the end of May and have been super busy!  Last week, we were able to visit the tsunami-hit areas twice.  We were speechless as we drove through the destroyed cities.  Yu had tears in her eyes since her grandparents lived in one of those cities (they moved to Sendai after the earthquake).  All the places looked completely different.  We can’t find any words to describe what we saw and how we felt.

We delivered food, water, and lots of bug spray to the temporary shelters and homes of the people that Yu’s father had visited before.  We were encouraged to meet people who were so happy that we were there.  They needed food and supplies, but more than anything, they needed someone who would listen to their stories.  Many of them are still grieving the loss of loved ones (some of them lost their entire family members) and others don’t know how to start a new life without a house and a job.  It has been three months since the earthquake and tsunami took so many lives, but the process for recovery/reconstruction is taking such a long time.

We want them to know that we love them and care for them.  We want to encourage them and help them.  But our prayer is that they will find hope and comfort in our Lord.  Please pray that God will continue to use us in mighty ways.










We prayed before we left.




































We delivered water and coffee to the junior high school that is being used as a temporary shelter.










We were able to give this lady (she is one of the leaders of this place) a poster with a scripture.  She said she would put it on the wall.  Our church has been serving lunch at this junior high school every Saturday for the last two months.










In Kyubunhama, they have made this community center a place where people can meet, cook, and get water.










More coffee! You can see the information wall on the right.










If you look at this picture closely, you can see a sticker that says “TEXAS TWO”.  This van was bought with the money that was donated by BGCT (Baptist General Convention of Texas).  “Texas One” has been delivered to Morioka in Iwate prefecture.  The van was given to this community because many people lost their cars.  One of the community leaders told us that they were going to drive it to the fisherman’s meeting to discuss how to restart their business.  Thank you, Texas Baptists!










Finding out their needs and how we can help them.










Michael helping an old lady (he was so brave to offer her help in Japanese!)


























We delivered drinking water to the farm that hasn’t had running water for 3 months.  They have to drive for an hour 4 times a day to get enough water for their cattle.




























The family was having a difficulty with this pump (they keep water in this tank for bath and toilet) but these smart guys were able to fix the problem!










They were so happy to meet us!  The lady in the middle was so sweet to Luke!  Of course, Luke loved getting attention!










Tsunami was as high as the second floor of this apartment.










Another temporary shelter.  At one point, there were more than 400 people staying here.










Messages written by kids from west Japan.










Places that Yu used to visit.  Police officers are still looking for dead bodies in this area.










LOTS of disabled vehicles.










Temporary housing for those who lost homes.  We are planning to visit them.










Many fishermen lost their boats.  Please pray they can start fishing again soon.










Michael delivering bug spray on his second trip.  Thankfully, her house was safe so she is letting 20 people stay in her home.










Giving bug spray to the lady at the farm.  We love spending time with them!










This is our friend, Yuta.  He is serving as a volunteer this summer until he goes back to DBU to work on his master’s degree this fall.  He has been such a blessing!  The guys were asked to help mow the grass at the farm.  They worked hard!










Please continue to pray for people in Japan.  Please pray God will open doors as we get to know these precious people who desperately need Him.  Thank you for your love and prayers!

Categories: Aid for Japan.

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