We are in Japan!!!

November 30, 2010

We made it safely to Japan!  Thank you for praying for our safe travel.  Everything went smoothly and God provided everything we needed!  Yu was able to use 4 seats to lie down.  All the luggage made it safely as well.  Praise God!  God has filled our hearts with peace and joy as we landed, and we are excited to be in His will.

As we left Texas, we prayed for this new journey.  We thanked God for all of you who have touched our lives and supported us in so many wonderful ways.  We are so thankful for this opportunity and we can’t wait to share all the amazing things that God does in Japan.  We miss you all and would love to keep in touch.  We want to know what is happening in your life and how we can pray for you.  Please write us anytime!   Please continue to pray for us as we adjust to our new life here.  We have a little over a month until our baby comes and we have a lot to do!  Thank you again for lifting us up.  We  love you all!

Categories: Hope for Japan News.

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Commissioning Service

November 30, 2010

November was missions month at our church.  We always love this time of year when we learn about all the amazing things that God is doing in the world.  This year, it was more special to us since we were commissioned to be sent out to Japan.  The church hosted special commissioning services for us where we stood before the church body and read our covenant.  We promised to represent Christ and His body in Japan.  As we stood in front of the church, we thought of all the people who have prayed for us and supported us.  We cannot thank you enough.  Thank you for being there for us throughout this journey.

Our church also had a special service called “CRAVE” to conclude the missions month.  We gathered for a night of worship and prayer.  Our church is committed to the power of prayer as we seek to make God known among the nations.  During the prayer time, many people prayed over us.  It was such a meaningful experience.  We are blessed to be a part of a mission minded church.  We also want to thank everyone who is praying for us from all over the world.  Your prayers mean so much to us!  Please let us know how we can pray for you.  

Categories: Hope for Japan News.

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Advocacy Team

November 30, 2010

One of the things that our sending church and sending organization value is the importance of an advocacy team.  Advocacy team is our home team who will be supporting us from our sending church.  They will provide personal prayer cover and bring encouragement.  They will give us security, stability, spiritual counseling, mentoring, and accountability.  They will serve as the bridge between us and the church.  They serve as an advocate for the Japanese people that we are called to minister to.  We are so thankful for this group of faithful believers who are going to help us in so many ways.  

Categories: Hope for Japan News.

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Farewell Parties

November 30, 2010

As we prepared to move to Japan, so many people prayed for us and encouraged us.  We are blessed to have many family members and friends who love us and care for us.  Some of our close friends hosted farewell parties for us, and we had such a special time together.  We will miss them so much!  We thank God for all our families and friends. 

Categories: Hope for Japan News.

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