One Year and Counting…

March 18, 2012

Last weekend marked the one year anniversary of the March 11, 2011 earthquake.  Many of you have seen our tribute video.  Thank you for your emails of encouragement and support.  It was a long year but your prayers made our work a lot easier.  Last Saturday we made a trip to the temporary housings to hand out food.  This time we gave a small bouquet of flowers with a word of encouragement attached.










Like all the other times we have visited, everyone was so kind and thankful.  But this time there was a lot of emotion.  Some of the people just smiled and said thank you. However many just bowed in thanks and had tears running down their face.  An outward display of emotion is hardly ever seen here.  Understandably this was hard for many.

I would like to share about one of the young boys we met during one of our visits.  He is two years old and living with his grandparents.  His father works full time so is not around during the day.  After the earthquake the family fled from the tsunami together but a few days later his mother fled never to be heard or seen since.  The boy’s father has made attempts to contact her family but they deny she has ever contacted them.  It’s been especially hard on the child.  He misses his mother but is hurt even more by the fact that his mom abandoned him.  Luke got to play with him during our visit.  He was such a sweet boy and had a lot of joy in his heart.  Please remember to pray for him and his family.  Also, pray for his mother to return.










Most importantly please pray that people we have been ministering to will continue to heal and learn about the God we serve.

Categories: Aid for Japan, Prayer Needs.

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March 11, 2011 Memorial

March 9, 2012

Sunday marks the one year anniversary of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. The event began with a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in which most of the the buildings and homes survived.  They were made for such events.  The following tsunami however was certainly not anticipated nor forgiving.  This video is a tribute to the people in the disaster areas and the continuing work to rebuild physically and emotionally.  We hope you know how much they appreciate your prayers and support.  Please continue to pray for the victims’ families and for the Christians who are working with them.  We send a huge “THANK YOU” to everyone who has supported us the past year and has unceasingly prayed.  You have encouraged us so much.  We are so thankful for the friendships built over the past year and pray more to understand and walk the “Jesus Way”.

Categories: Aid for Japan, Hope for Japan News, Prayer Needs.

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