Luke Kai is 2 months old!

March 14, 2011

(I wrote this before the earthquake but saved it so that  Michael could read it before posting it.  Sorry I am posting this late.)

Our baby boy is two months old! Time goes by so fast! It has been the best two months of our lives!  He has been such a good baby and we can’t ask for more!  God is opening many doors for us through Luke.  I have met many moms and I am enjoying getting to know them.  I had lunch with two of them and we are hoping to meet more often.  I am so thankful that God is giving me many opportunities to share the gospel with them. I was also asked to be a part of “Mom’s Time” at our church.  It is a weekly ministry for moms at church that my mom had started years ago.  I am so thankful to be a part of this wonderful ministry and I pray that God will use me to touch many lives.  Many moms are lonely and hurting because their husbands work all the time and they don’t get to spend much time with them. Please pray that many of them will come to know the Lord.

Enjoy the pictures of our precious son!

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