Family Camp

September 13, 2017

This past weekend, we were invited to be a part of the Family Camp hosted by the local Japanese church where we lead the Bible Study and Worship on Sunday evenings. It was an outreach program for non-Christian families.  It was great to make new friends!  While the children had their own program, we talked with other parents and we were able to share about why we came to Japan and how much we care about their family relationships.  We talked a lot about the importance of having a quality time as a family.  We were able to get many ideas as we prepare to start a new family focused ministry.  Michael made friends with other dads and some of them asked if we could go have dinner together sometime.  We look forward to getting to know them better.  Thank you for praying for these families!  








Categories: Family, Hope for Japan News.

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One Response

  1. Jolan&dianeSeptember 13, 2017 @ 11:45 pm

    Praying for relationships to grow. Thank you for serving.

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