Update on March 20th

March 20, 2011

We have had a wonderful weekend.  Yesterday,we went to the grocery store to buy LOTS of food for the people in Sendai.  We have never bought that much food!  Since the government advised people not to hoard food and buy only as needed, we had to tell others that we were buying them for the people who were affected by the earthquake and tsunami.  Some people gave us food which was a blessing.  We have been amazed by the generosity of the people of Japan.  When we came home, the pastor’s kids helped us to box them up.  We all wrote messages and prayers on the boxes to encourage the recipients.  We used some of the money that you have donated.  THANK YOU!  We are sure they will be used to bless the people who have been hungry.  In partnership with the local churches in Sendai, we will continue to buy food and supplies for those in need.

My dad rode a bus to Sakata to see us and also to pick up my brother’s car which was filled with food that we bought for those in need.  We had a very special time together.  We laughed, prayed, and cried a lot together.  Seeing my dad hold Luke makes me smile and cry at the same time.  We are thankful for the time that we had together.  Before my dad left, the pastor led the devotional time.  He read Psalms 121 and it comforted and encouraged us so much.  As my dad drove off, he told me to be strong like my mom.  I have been crying a lot but I know I have to be strong for my baby boy.  Please continue to pray for God’s strength as we continue this journey.

Today was such an amazing day.  We were able to be a part of the worship service in Sakata.  It is a small house church, but they all have big hearts for God.  I played the piano and Michael shared his testimony.  Praise God for using us in the midst of difficult times.  We shared that many of you are praying for Japan and Japanese people.  We spent some time to pray for the people of Japan.  It has been a very difficult week for many of us.  Earthquake, tsunami, and now radiation… But we still believe God is in control and He will use these situations to open the hearts of the Japanese people.















Categories: Aid for Japan.

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3 Responses

  1. Oh Yu, I give thanks and praise to God for the way He is using you. I will continue to pray and thanks for sharing with your family and friends that we are in prayer for them. God is good and He will use you for His glory!

  2. Michael and Yu,

    We love you guys so much and you have been on our hearts throughout this whole thing. We are trusting that God is going to grow you and strengthen you. He takes us through things like this to build character. I pray that you guys will have much perseverance even when the situation is so heartbreaking. Lean on our Father, cry in His arms. There was a verse that Dennis read today and I thought of you guys and us just in times like these…

    “Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that you labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

    If you get a chance in the next day or two, you should listen to Dennis’ sermon. It was really great and helped answer some why questions. I love to hear that you guys are getting to minister to you neighbors and that you were able to be an encouragement to the church that you attended. God is good and He will use your family to minister in ways that you never imagined. We dont know what God has for you right now but know that HE knows and you are going where He wants you to be, and you will be a blessing to those around you.

    OK…dont want to write a book but we love you and are continuously praying for your family!!!

    Gabe n Sada

  3. Tuyen KamoMarch 21, 2011 @ 11:57 pm

    Michael & Yu,

    I just read your blog and broke down in tears. I can’t imagine how hard it must be right now, especially you, Yu. I know how emotional it is after you have a baby, but to go through this and leave your family is so hard! I’ll keep you guys in my prayers. We have heard from Chris’s family in Sendai and Hinoche but still worry about them. It’s too bad you can’t be here when Baby Kamo is born. I’m sure Luke and baby Kamo will be able to play with each other someday. Take care!!


    The Kamo’s
    Chris – Tuyen – Alyssa – Baby #2

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